Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Personal Experience in Public Relation

I’m not new to PR but I do believe that we learn new things everyday. I have had phenomenal experiences working in PR for the South African Navy; and many people would die for the opportunities that I had and would kill to meet the people I have met. For me PR is one of the most interesting careers I have stumbled across in my life. I have worked in many places before the Navy; whilst in the Navy I changed my career 4 times, the fourth change for me was the best. I realised that this is where I want to be and that this was my calling. 

Working in PR requires a lot of hard work, but in the end it all pays off. Many people I know who work in PR don’t have the formal qualification. This is not a bad thing; however, I believe that getting a formal qualification would bring a better understanding and reasoning for you when you work in the field. Many people would talk about personal experiences as being the best form towards your qualification, which I agree with fully, but what we also need to know is that there are many different methods, cultures, traditions and people out in the world.

Studying PR at Central was a bit different for me because coming from a military background and from a country with a diverse background was a big change for me. But as I said in the beginning of my blog, we learn new things everyday. PR has changed my life a lot it has made me more patient and understanding, especially when it comes to people and their needs and wants. It also taught me to treat everyone like they are very important to you and with respect because you will never know where and when you might need that network as a life line again.

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