With the US President
backing same sex marriages, it could be seen in two ways. One being a political
motive in order for him to gain more votes, or it could be that he is a person
with no judgement upon others.
Many people in the world
today would see it as a political motive to gain votes because of the current
position he is in, but who are we to judge. All we know is that he is the
President and that he would do anything in his power to get what he wants. But
what makes us the experts. Who are we to judge? Personally we do not know him
or his motives, so everything we think and say is all based on assumption
hoping that’s its true. We know what an assumption did it started the Gulf War.
I think whether or not he
backs same sex marriages he should not be judge. He became president because
the people of America believe he would do well by them so why should that
change now. If he feels positive about it, that means he has good vision for
the people of USA. All he is trying to do is give everyone a chance that’s what
he is there for.
Should there be a thing of
same sex marriage or not, as a Christian I believe that it is wrong and it is
also looked down upon in the bible. Whether or not we change the word marriage
to union it will make no difference because it all comes down to the same thing.
So why should we lie to ourselves, is it to make us feel as though we doing
nothing wrong, one might just as well say marriage instead of union. As a Christian
it is against Gods law but he also say to Christians like me don’t judge others
as he will be judging me. So I feel if same sexes want to get married let them
do it as they will answer in the end. One does not have to condone it but just
let them be if it does not affect you or your life in anyway.
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