Friday, 30 March 2012

Campaign to stamp out alcohol abuse and violence

Campaign to stamp out alcohol abuse and violence was the headline published on the front page of the Friday, March 30 2012 West Australian. It’s funny how quick people are to launch campaigns and raise money to try and resolve, overcome problems or create awareness. Before they do this do they really do their homework on what it is they about to do. Creating a campaign to stamp out alcohol abuse and violence is good but how effective does one think it will be. Violence and alcohol abuse is everywhere how do these campaigns think they can control it. We have campaigns such as trying to stop child abuse, child pornography, women abuse and many others which have not been very effective. All these different types of abuse still happens around us which means these campaigns have just created awareness but haven’t really done anything to deter it from happening or stop it completely. Maybe it has played a bit of a small role but hey it’s still happening.

I think before creating a campaign one should look at the root of the problem and try find out why it is that kids turn to alcohol and violence at such a young age. They should tap into the roots of a simple family that has these problems. All type of abuse and violence has a root and that is where one should start if they want these types of abuse to stop. So if you are to create a campaign try and create one that would tap into the roots of the problem. There is no need to create awareness because everyone is or should be aware of what is happening around them. I believe once the root of the problem is stamped out then your campaign be a great success.

Anyone agree or disagree

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Tips for when working on Group Projects

This is an activity which could either get people to hate each other or it could build stronger and better relationships. Working on group projects takes a lot of tact, patients, diplomacy, mutual understanding and respect. If anybody in the group does not have any of these attributes then the project is doomed.

The advice I would give t group people working on group projects are:
Always have common courtesy.
Bad personalities and attitudes must never be brought into the group.
Identify the objective and keep focused on them.
Ensure your tasks are completed on time.
Respect each other’s opinion and always be open to suggestions.
Give everyone a chance to be heard and voice their concerns.
Be fair on each other and keep everyone informed of your progress.

In my research this is what Mark Burns had to say about working in groups:
In the several years I have used small group techniques of instruction, many students have made suggestions to me regarding how to improve the work of such student groups. Here are some of the key points they have stressed concerning how to mount a successful team effort and how, as an individual, to relate to the work of a group.

General Points
Trite as it may seem, one of the most important points of basic behavior in a group is common courtesy. Don't be afraid to speak up, but be sure to allow your fellow students time to speak. If someone expresses what you feel is a "stupid" opinion, try to criticize it constructively rather than putting down the person.
Cooperation is also a key factor in teamwork. Don't hesitate to try to improve the work of your group by making suggestions, but don't needlessly obstruct for the sake of obstruction.
Keep me informed about what your group is doing. If you want advice later, I can probably advise you better if I have some idea what you were doing in the first place.

Groups are multi-purpose. Not only can you use them for doing the required team projects, but also you can use them for such purposes as joint study, note-taking for absent members and even recreation.

Successful team efforts are most often achieved by thorough coordination. Organize you work as a group, and as individuals, as carefully as possible.
If you set deadlines for completing work, set them before you really need the work and try your best to achieve them anyway. If you succeed, you've got your work done early and have extra time to use for other purposes. If you don't make the deadline, you still have a little time left to finish.

The Moderator
Choose your moderator with care. Pick someone because he/she will best help your group get the job done, not just because he/she is your friend or roommate.
Group members should never expect the moderator to do all the work of the group, or even the majority of it; nor should the moderator deliberately monopolize group work. Rather, the moderator should coordinate the individual efforts of group members to produce a coherent project.
The moderator should be careful to insure that each member understands what he/she is to do on a project. Don't just assume "everyone understands." Often, "everyone" does not.
The moderator should not ignore group members who seem to be having difficulty completing their assigned task. Rather, he/she should assign other group members to assist them or should directly assist them.
The moderator should consult me if serious problems appear to be jeopardizing the work of the group.

The evaluation process should be used constructively and critically. It is not the time for personal or ideological grievances to take over; nor is it the time to favor those you like. Imagine how you would feel if another student evaluated you based on such features.

At any time during the course, students may consult me to determine their evaluation averages. I will not discuss how any individual evaluated another or what evaluation a fellow student received.
Gripes, Fears, Tears, etc.
If you, as an individual, fear serious problems are occurring in your group for you or for the group as a whole, talk with your moderator first. If he/she cannot or will not solve the problem, either try to persuade the moderator to see me or see me yourself.
If you do decide to see me, do so as soon as possible. Waiting to complain about problems in your group until after the course is over, or even mostly completed, is not appropriate.

A Final Note
Remember, what happens in your group is often similar to what occurs in a real civic, administrative, or political group. Problems such as coordination, division of work, leadership, disagreement, voting, dissent and even evaluation all have their counterparts in events which you will encounter life in your life. How you handle these issues now will give you ideas for constructive participation in the "real thing."

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Is this Exploitation or not

The Good Way

Homeless people will be getting employment and we all know employment is a good thing and a necessity in today’s life. Its keeps them well not literally off the streets and creates hope for the homeless and gives them back their confidence, self-esteem and dignity. It reduces the risk of theft, crime and drug use. It would give them a plate of food to eat and some cash in hand to live at a shelter or maybe who knows they could one day get their own place again. This could also be a huge relief on government, not to take responsibility away from them but to show them that there are ways of reducing the plight of homeless people to the streets. This initiative could have a domino effect which could evolve in an increase in the country’s’ economy by the jobs being created as well as the amount of money paid in taxes by the homeless employees and the profits generated from the company.

The Bad Way

All homeless people belong to a family somewhere but we as humans don’t give them a second chance because of their living conditions and situation. Many would also say yes that it is a good idea that they be employed because of all good things I have mentioned earlier in my blog. Has anyone sat to think who really gains from this initiative? O yes all well and good HOMELESS employed YEAH! but how much are they being paid. 

I mean $2 for 15mins that means about $8 an hour seriously now who works for that money. This means that the initiative is solely commission based According to the statement made in the Daily Mail “Visitors to can donate to the Front Steps Shelter or pay participants directly for internet access at a suggested price of $2 for fifteen minutes.” 

If this company had to put an ad out for employees they would have asked for experience and a degree and whatever. So now because we use homeless people let just follow this method of saying, ok here is a job and here is your pay. HOW MUCH IS THEIR PAY. I mean come on why was that not was disclosed. It is nice to take photos and say we employed X amount of homeless people and we cleaning the streets and blah, blah, blah but how much money are you making as that company and how much are you paying the homeless for creating awareness. By the way how manyhour will they be working?

FACT a homeless person is most grateful for anything given to him/her because we all know that many of them feel they have nothing to live for.

Which way do you see it?

Saturday, 3 March 2012

The purpose of blogging in Public Relations

A blog is another means of communication for connecting to your audience. Like many other social media sites blogging is about one of the best two way communication tools used. This tool can either make you or brake you depending it is used.
Blogging is a good way to attract people to your website, interests and or your opinions on what you are writing about. Providing useful information on your blog is a good way to hook more people through networking and referrals from other bloggers.

With so many websites and competition on the net, it’s really not easy to make yourself stand out from the rest but, with a good blog, you stand a much better chance.
Through blogging, you can connect with your audience and let them know you better and also build relationships with them. People like to do business with people they trust.

Blogging in PR can be used to increase the conversion rate. By using your blog you build your prospects’ trust and confidence in yourself. It also keeps you abreast with whats in and whats out in trends of fashion, food, places and people.
Do you beg to differ.